This wonderful melody was composed by Massimiliano D’Osualdo, piano and accordion player who played with Deja for many years, long before I joined the band. The original version can be found on Indovinatoduo’s second cd “Passi”. Indovinatoduo was a celtic/irish music project, in which Max played along with Pietro Sponton (drums and percussions) and Fulvia Pellegrini (violin), also former members of Deja. On our first record in duo (“Distratti dal vento”), the three of them appeared as guest musicians on a song (“Un istante a Circik”); this time they’re not phisically on the record, but still there’s something reminding of them and their music.
“Mathair” is gaelic for “mother”, and I don’t feel like writing anything else about this melancholy and delicate melody.
I would say that it is not too difficult to play, but be aware of the bass line!
XII fret harmonic on the B string in measure 64 is to be played with your right hand.
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